One of the things we did in Fire in the Night was called "Pure Heart". It was a two day session that dealt with all the wounds we obtain in our life-time. This seminar type teaching was based on the book "Pure Heart" (fantastic book, I would highly recommend it) which focuses on life pains such as the "Mother wound" and the "Father wound". Everyone has these types of hurts. Even if we were to have the best mother or father, they are still human beings and aren't perfect. God brought up some stuff in my heart, including a hurt that came from my birth-mother. I never thought that I had anything against her. I always completely understood why she did what she did, and agreed with her decision. But in this session, during the ministry time where we allowed God to begin healing, I realized that I was hurt. I sat on the floor sobbing, and the only thing I could say was "I miss her". I said that phrase over and over again until I felt like I couldn't cry anymore. They say the unborn and infants develop a connection with the woman that is carrying them. They can recognize her voice and they respond to the mother's emotions as well. I guess I never knew that I had that bond with Alisha, until I began to heal from our separation.
During my first week in Kansas City, God really revealed Himself to me as a Father. If you can remember, in part 2 of my blog, I wrote about how Steve came to visit me in the hospital, but he refused to hold me. There was one night, beginning of October, where I walked into the church service and the worship team was singing a song with the lyrics "You are a good, good Father" That caught my attention. A few minutes later, they went on to sing "He seeks you, He finds you, He holds you, He never lets you go". I immediately broke down. Long story short, this is what I came to realize and believe that night:
The love and acceptance of my birth-father will not sustain me. But I already have the Love and Acceptance of my heavenly Father. I am His daughter, and out of all His children, I am His favorite one. He chose me. He is my Father, my Daddy. I can crawl up on His lap anytime I please. He has adopted me into His heavenly family. I am no longer a child of the world but a child of the Most High. He delights in me, He rejoices over me. I don't need to work for His approval because I have already received it. He sees me as innocent and pure in heart. I am a princess; but not a wimpy Disney princess! I am a princess in the courts of heaven because my Father is the King of Kings and I walk in and under His authority. Yes, I am worthy of His love. Because He paid the price for me. If I was the only one on this planet, He still would have sent Jesus to die, for me! Even if I had the best earthly father on the planet, his love could not compare to the love of God. Abandonment and rejection cannot accompany me to the throne room any longer because I am no longer abandoned or rejected!
For the first time in my life, I felt like a daughter. I felt what I always imagined a Father-daughter relationship would feel like. Bruce Kotila, my dad, is amazing. But he is human too. I came to realize that the One who will always hold me, support me, and accept me no matter what is the One who created me, who breathed life into my lungs and gave me this chance at life that I am so grateful for. Nothing can beat that.
Psalm 34:18
The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Hosea 14:3b
...For in You the fatherless finds mercy.